In this post I will be sharing tips about how to make money with a travel blog, While money may not be the fuel forever, however, it certainly is the currency for meeting your needs for new experiences.

Hence, Imagine how life would be if you could make money while travelling the world. Can one really make travelling, a career option?

Now yes this would really require some extra effort from you and in the way you may have to learn a couple of things in order to learn about earning money. So without further adieu, we can get things started.

There have been phases of earning money with a travel blog, There is a phrase about turning your life with being a Travel Influencer and maybe starting learning about, How to up your game as Travel Influencers on Instagram.

But this post is more for the people who are actually into maintaining a website or maybe planning to start a travel blog in 2022.

Tips to Make Money with a Travel Blog

Use your blog as a resume to get freelance writing work

How to make money with a Travel Blog
How to make money with a Travel Blog

If you are into full-time of blogging and you feel like turning this into the main source of income for your future then the best way to start would be looking for freelance writing work.

When you are starting the pay would not be that high but eventually, when you are established in this business you can eventually earn a lot over a period of time.

Get into affiliate marketing

Let me be very honest, If you are starting a travel blog and you are not tapping the potential of affiliate marketing then you are not doing justice to your travel blog.

Also, It doesn’t matter when to start with affiliate marketing because basically you can do right after you have started your blog and jumped on the journey of becoming a travel blogger.

You can become an affiliate for almost anything these days, so think outside the box. Here are a few great networks that I use:

If you ask me I use Travel Payouts most of the time for scheduling all the affiliate links on Chasing Whereabouts and the sole reason is this that it is pretty easy and one stop solution in order target all the travel market company for the affiliate program.

Place ads

Ad revenue is based on traffic and these days, the biggest networks require at least 50k visits per month which mediavine. But if you are just starting and you have sufficient content on your website you can always apply for Google Adsense program.

Yes, it does make your site a bit uglier, but I believe that most readers don’t mind them and that your loyal fans will be happy to see you making money. I personally use Adsense right now. Well it is not like you will start earning too much but a good start is needed.

Work as a virtual assistant for other blogs

How to make money with a Travel Blog
How to make money with a Travel Blog- Source

Working for a more established blogger will help you understand how to become more effective with your own blog. These jobs mostly come from in-person networking, but since that’s off the table for now, I recommend finding online resources.

The best way to start doing this would be just looking for the job posting on Freelancing website like Fiverr or Upwork.

If you want to read more about this you can check this post Anatomy of a Virtual Assistant

Sell your photos

Photography is a big part of travel blogging. What better way could there be to inspire people to see the beautiful places you share? Having a visually appealing website is important, and since Instagram is useful marketing tool, it’s a great way to get paid work. Most of my paid work actually comes to me through my Instagram!

You can also sell stock photos online. Some people make a decent passive income this way. The rules are strict around what you can have in your photo, but if you are traveling and have a backlog anyway, it could be worth it. I can’t personally recommend it as I haven’t tried it, but if you have please let me know in the comments below if it works for you (or if not, tell us why!)

You can either sell your photos personally by setting up your account on the major stock footage website and then going one by one to post your images or video, the other way could also be adding the image/video on the portal like BlackBox where you just submit your content at one place and this takes care of submitted your content further on different stock footage website.

List of Stock Footage Website where you can submit content to earn money?

  1. Shutterstock
  2. Adobe Stock
  3. Pond5
  4. Getty Stocks

One thing to further bring this to your notice is that these things are more like a passive way of earning money and it is not like you will directly start earning money.

But yes if you have your quality contents just sitting on your hard drive than you can make use of them and just submit on the stock footage website and they can be furhter used for earning money from the stock website.

Monetize videos

Something which I want to do but have not yet succeeded in doing so

Plenty of bloggers make videos here and there but I don’t see much crossover between blogs and YouTube. People seem to be very dedicated to one or the other but not both.

If you make great videos and are consistent, building up an audience on YouTube and putting ads on them is a great way to develop an income stream. This is also a long-game approach, like most of what I suggest on here, but if you build up a strong and consistent audience you’ll have yet another passive income stream.

Paid Brand and Destination Campaigns

Eventually, when you have built up your audience and social media channels, you may have paid opportunities come your way.

It might included like Partnership where you agree to share some deliverables in return of the free trips like.

This sounds like the dream, and it is, but it only makes sense if the destination and the campaign make sense with your brand, and if you are capable of delivering everything that you promise.

As for how to get these opportunities, there’s no secret formula other than to just be damn good in the work which you are doing. Target one thing in the starting, If you are into Photogrpahy then just keep on clicking awesome photos.

If you are into video making then create some quality content and short cinematic video about the place which you have explored and share it with the tourism board of the country which you have visited.

Develop Your Own Products

It all comes down to this particular point that the most earning which you can get out of the online world of ecommerece is when you actually sell some product or services.

So sooner or later if you want to convert it into a way of living then you have to think about the developing you own products or services which can fetch you some money. It could be anything, a course, a book or maybe even a trip of the places where you have in depth knowledge about.

The journey should be like starting your travel blog, doing freelancing and then eventually when you have gained enouhg knowledge about the market launching the course about the thing which you think is missing in the market.


There are not many travel bloggers who have a podcast, but this is another great way to make money and contribute something meaningful that is not already incredibly saturated.

Podcast popularity is skyrocketing, especially when people are at home more and have more time to listen.

I believe this is actually a huge opportunity and if you can come up with something of quality that has not already been thought of, you can strike while the iron is hot. While I haven’t reviewed it, I fully trust Pat Flynn and would take his course on podcasting if I were to start one myself.

Be an Instagram Influencer

So I did started this post saying that there is a phase of being an Instagram Influencer but let us not forget that we have to grow with the changing time and Instagram is currently the marketplace of promotion.

So if you have already some awesome content and pictures which you have clicked while exploring the places, Then you might wanna use them to generate a following out it which can be later also used as a separate portfolio for reaching out to brands. If you are looking for a picture editor then you check here what I use personlly.

That was our information about How to Make Money with a Travel Blog? , If you are thinking about starting a travel blog and don’t know how to start then I have written a Guide for that as well How to Start a Travel Blog in 2022.

There are couple of more post around stepping up your journey of being a travel blogger

How to make money with a Travel Blog
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